Collection: 2024.07.06 - 08.19「CRAFT TREASURES OF OKINAWA」

Gallery view: "CRAFT TREASURES OF OKINAWA" exhibition
Okinawa studio glass, made from recycle material
Textile craft of Okinawa: Bingata and Kasuri
Photo by Koji Honda

MOGI & MOGI Gallery Shop では、7月6日(土)より沖縄のフォークアートをテーマに展覧会を開催します。MOGI & MOGI のオーナーであるエリスと北村は、90 年代半ばから、活動拠点にしていたロンドンから日本に一時帰国する度に柳宗理さんのもとを訪ねては、民藝の魅力を教わっていました。ある時、柳さんから「沖縄を見てきた方がよいですよ」と助言をいただき、
読谷、北窯の陶工の方々や、陶芸家・山田真萬さんの話しを伺いに、 初めて沖縄に行くことになりました。

以来約30年、沖縄ならではの特色のあるモノづくりや作り手、それらを生み出した風土や歴史、人々、そして食べ物に魅了され、通い続ける大切な場所のひとつとなりました。「CRAFT TREASURES OF OKINAWA」で展示販売をする、約30年にわたってエリスと北村が収集をしてきた沖縄のフォークアートは、新旧さまざまな時代のもの、作家が製作したものから、生活の中で “誰か” がつくるアノニマスなものまで実に多様です。素朴で力強い焼物、独特な歴史的背景や地理的条件により発展した染めや織物、戦後すぐに廃瓶から生まれた琉球ガラス、そしてアート作品まで、非常に多様性のある沖縄のフォークアートが一堂に集まります。


MOGI & MOGI Gallery Shop is pleased to hold an exhibition of Okinawan folk art from July 6th to August 19th 2024.

Since the mid-90s, MOGI & MOGI owners Kitamura and Ellis frequently visited Sori Yonagi whenever they return to Japan from London where they were based. From him they learned about the charm of Mingei. Yanagi advised them to visit Okinawa where he believed the most interesting folk art was being made. So they visited Okinawa for the first time to hear from the potters of Yomitan and Kitagama, and the ceramic artist Shinman Yamada.

In the 30 years since then, they have been fascinated by the unique craftsmanship of Okinawa, the climate, history, people, and food that gave birth to these crafts, and Okinawa has become one of their favorite places to visit. The Okinawan folk art that will be exhibited and sold at "CRAFT TREASURES OF OKINAWA" has been collected by Kitamura and Ellis for about 30 years, and is extremely diverse. The collection ranges from old and new items from various eras, and from works made by studio artists to anonymous items made by gifted amateurs. A very diverse collection of Okinawan folk art will be gathered together, from simple and powerful pottery, dyeing and weaving, Ryukyu glass made from discarded recycled bottles, and paintings and sculpture.

Illustration: Asami Hattori

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